Lack Of Jobs In Iran A Major Challenge For Afghan Migrant Women


The economic crisis in the Islamic Republic of Iran is causing suffering for Afghan migrant women. The majority of Iranian migrant women work from home at jobs like sewing and gardening, yet this is insufficient for them to subsist.

Afghan migrants are reportedly experiencing difficult economic circumstances in Iran, according to a report published by Khaama Press. Approximately one-third of them are troubled women. In Iran, women have little options for finding work.

Iranian women’s rights activist Asifa Stanekzai told Khaama Press that barriers related to “employment generation” and “cultural” concerns were the reason migrant women were having trouble.

In an article titled “Migrant Women: Invisible Workers,” the Iranian newspaper “Ham-Maihan” claimed that Afghani women migrants in Iran worked in covert workshops for meager pay. Their career was impacted by Afghanistan’s educational barriers. Their lack of a good education prevents them from being able to obtain a good career.

Iranian industrial workers are migrant women from Afghanistan. They are not earning enough money to get by.

Twenty years were spent by an Afghan immigrant woman in a variety of occupations, such as house painting, carpet weaving, nursing, and sewing. But because she lacked legal residency, she was fired from her position.


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