Rising Honor Killings In Iran: 13 Women Lose Lives In 17 Days


In recent months, there has been a rise in honor killings in the Islamic Republic of Iran. At least 13 women were brutally murdered in Iran, dealing a severe blow to women’s rights.

In the previous 17 days, what happened to 13 women? Are Iranian women safe? What have the Human Rights Organization’s statements been regarding the increase in honor killings?

In the most recent instance of honor killings in Iran, Razieh Hasanvand, age 20, a single mother, was murdered by her own brother. After being shot by her brother on October 14, she has been in a coma ever since. 

In the most recent instance of honor killings in Iran, Razieh Hasanvand, age 20, was murdered by her own brother. After being shot by her brother on October 14, she has been in a coma ever since. She was a single mother.

Razieh Hasanvand was murdered by her own brother for insignificant reasons. She was being heavily pressured by her brother to remarry another guy following her divorce and he killed her because she had “left the house” and denied his request. 

A total of thirteen women suffered the effects of the growing honor killings in Iran between September 29 and October 16. According to the Human Rights Organization, 13 women died as a result of honor killings.


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