Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza; Does it amount to war crime?

Israel's Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza: A Question of War Crimes

The Israel-Gaza conflict has once again brought to the forefront a troubling and contentious issue the use of white phosphorus. Accusations have arisen that Israel employed white phosphorus in its recent military operations in Gaza. This has led to serious questions about whether such actions amount to war crimes under international law.

White phosphorus is a highly incendiary substance that can cause severe burns and damage when in contact with the human body. It has both civilian and military applications. In military use, it is often employed for obscuring smoke screens or as an illuminant. However, the use of white phosphorus in densely populated areas can have catastrophic consequences.

During the recent Israel-Gaza conflict, allegations arose that Israel used white phosphorus in its military operations in Gaza, particularly in areas where civilians were densely concentrated. White phosphorus munitions are known to cause severe harm to individuals, and their use in civilian areas is a subject of international concern.



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