Top 5 Labor Rights Issues in the Philippines 2024

 On May 1st, many labor rights groups come together publicly to bring attention to issues facing workers and demand action from the government.

The Philippines has an active labor environment characterized by ongoing tensions between economic growth and defending worker rights. As 2024 approaches, significant issues require urgent attention and solutions.

Pay Not Covering Cost of Living

While minimum wages rise annually, there remains a substantial gap between living costs and what Filipino employees take home. Now more than ever, necessities are outpacing incomes for many individuals and families.

Contract Work and Job Security

“Endo,” terminating employees before they attain regular status to avoid tenure laws, remains a challenge. Workers want more stable work conditions and this year have advocated outlawing Contractualization.

Immigrant Worker Vulnerabilities

Overseas Filipino Workers continue facing issues like illegal recruitment, mistreatment, and lack of government support. Stronger protections have been demanded in light of reported abuse cases.

Safety and Health Guidelines

Workplace accidents and health issues, especially in high-risk jobs, often stem from unenforced safety regulations. Advocates push for better compliance and oversight.

Barriers to Unionization

Efforts to collectively organize and bargain face resistance through anti-union policies and actions, impeding fundamental labor rights for many.

These issues barely scratch the surface of daily hardships. Resolving problems and ensuring labor rights require cooperation across government, businesses, and advocacy groups. All stakeholders must work to fortify protections for Filipino workers locally and globally.


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