Tesla Workers Strike In Sweden; What Can Elon Musk Do?


Tesla employees took a sick day on October 27 to protest the company’s failure to sign a collective bargaining agreement. Around 130 mechanics for Tesla who worked in seven workshops throughout Sweden were on strike.

After failing to reach an agreement with Tesla regarding a collective pay, members of Sweden’s IF Metall union went on strike. Jesper Pettersson, a representative for the IF Metall union, confirmed the strike by the employees.

Tesla employees in Sweden claimed to be paid “less” and to not have the same insurance as other employees in the same sector. Additionally, they bemoaned the fact that their pensions were smaller than those of other workers in the sector.

Swedish Tesla employees want the business to ratify a contract that would grant Tesla’s mechanics the same working conditions as those provided to mechanics at other Swedish companies.

Tesla, however, declined to ratify the wage arrangement. In any country in the world, the corporation claimed, it has never signed a collective bargaining agreement.

The Swedish trade union IF Metall represents the employees of Tesla in Sweden. The Tesla employees are unionized, although they are not covered by industry-wide collective bargaining agreements.


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