International Warrants May Come in Rohingya Genocide Case


Argentina’s court is examining evidence suggesting that the Rohingya population in Myanmar fell victim to genocide in 2017, with numerous individuals suffering fatalities and sexual violence at the hands of the Myanmar military. The court in Argentina may soon issue international arrest warrants targeting specific members of the Myanmar military.

Progress Towards Warrants Seven Rohingya survivors traveled to Argentina, directly sharing harrowing accounts of the atrocities they endured in 2017, providing a pivotal opportunity for their narratives to be acknowledged. Currently, the court is meticulously scrutinizing all available evidence.

The forthcoming action could involve the issuance of international arrest warrants by the Argentine court against the implicated members of the Myanmar military. Such warrants would significantly underscore globally that crimes of genocide cannot be disregarded or overlooked.

Seeking Global Endorsement Tomás Quintana, the legal representative for the Rohingya emphasizes their intention to inform numerous international entities upon the issuance of warrants, including the United Nations, the European Union, and various Muslim and Asian groups. They aspire to garner broad support for ensuring accountability among the perpetrators.

Quintana stresses the gravity of genocide, asserting that political considerations should not impede the pursuit of justice; the perpetrators must be held accountable. He notes the expressed interest of the United States in the Argentine case thus far.

Risk of Escalated Violence Regrettably, there are current alerts regarding the potential resurgence of violence and civilian atrocities in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, the former residence of the Rohingya. The United Nations has voiced apprehensions that past atrocities could recur.

Quintana concurs on the urgency of the situation, emphasizing the imperative for substantial international intervention, transcending mere rhetoric. He asserts that the Argentine case instills hope within the Rohingya community amidst their protracted quest for justice and improved living conditions.


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