Exposed: Workers Rights are one of the Least Protected Rights in 2024

Even after progressing in various industries, workers rights is still among the least protected rights worldwide. Although there are changes being made in the law but the protection of worker rights has not kept pace with these developments.

The lack of protection for workers' rights affects all sectors of industry, from factories in Asia to innovation clusters in Silicon Valley.
The year 2024 is being identified by the World Economic Forum as critical for workers, given ongoing armed conflicts, climate change, and technological disruptions.

One essential aspect of workers’ rights is the freedom to collectively organize and form unions. However, recent legislation regarding the right of government employees to organize has only been recently enforced, addressing a long-standing issue.

As the gig economy and remote employment continue to grow, old school unionization ways are becoming harder to maintain. Workers in these fields frequently find themselves with less protections in comparison to full-time workers.

Protecting employee rights needs effective legislation and enforcement.
However, deficient compliance mechanisms makes it risky for employees.

Governments, companies, and civil society organizations should take action to address the current situation of workers’ rights by 2024. It is very important to make sure that worker rights are not only addressed on paper but also actively protected and applied.


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