Central African Republic Court Targets Ex-President Bozizé for Human Rights Abuses


The Special Criminal Court in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, has issued an international arrest warrant for François Bozizé, the country’s exiled former president, according to a spokesperson for Bozizé. Bozizé is accused of human rights crimes that occurred between 2009 and 2013. The court, which has received international support, will try war crimes and other human rights violations committed during the series of coups and violence plaguing the nation since 2003.

However, Guinean President Umaro Sissoco Embaló informed the Associated Press that Guinea, where Bozizé is currently living in exile, has not received an extradition request from Bangui. Embaló added that Guinea’s law does not allow for extradition in any case.

Ibrahim Nour, whose father was murdered and tortured in the notorious Bossembélé prison, was pleased to learn of the arrest warrant. While it may take time, Nour expressed faith that justice will prevail over her father’s killers. She conveyed gratitude for the warrants targeting those responsible for his death, saying “We are waiting for explanations so that we can begin to mourn.” The court took a long time to start working even after being established in 2015. Rights Watch has praised the court’s establishment as an important step towards providing victims their rights after horrific abuses. According to international criminal law expert Patryk Labuda, the warrant indicates the court’s commitment to addressing state misconduct. Labuda called it “certainly one of the most high-profile developments” in the court’s five years of operation.


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