Texas Supreme Court Overturns Order Allowing Woman’s Abortion


The Texas Supreme Court on Monday overruled a lower court’s decision allowing a pregnant woman to have an emergency abortion, dealing a severe blow to women’s rights.

The Texas Supreme Court’s decision stunned advocates for women’s rights. The decision followed the Texas Supreme Court’s decision to decide against 31-year-old mother of two Kate Cox, who had spent almost a week requesting the court’s approval to have an abortion. In order to get an abortion, she left Texas.

Due to Kate Cox’s “life-threatening condition,” having an abortion was crucial to keeping her alive. She is carrying a fetus with a rare genetic abnormality that is more than 20 weeks pregnant.

A court order stopped Kate Cox from ending her potentially fatal pregnancy. She had to leave Texas in order to get an abortion on short notice. Kate Cox’s uterus may burst due to the genetic abnormality if she is unable to have an abortion.

Kate Cox filed a lawsuit against Texas last week, and a Travis County judge granted her the right to an abortion. The lower court’s order was, nevertheless, overturned by the Texas Supreme Court.

The Center for Reproductive Rights’ president and CEO, Nancy Northup, stated, “Kate’s last week of legal limbo has been hellish.”


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