Elon Musk's Humanoid Robot Optimus Gen 2 Can Do Squats And Work


Elon Musk, the tech billionaire, owns the American multinational automotive and sustainable energy firm Tesla. The company recently announced “Optimus Gen 2,” a new version of its humanoid robot that can replace humans in monotonous work.

The Tesla Bot, commonly referred to as “Optimus Gen 2,” shares an identical silhouette with the Optimus Gen 1. Nonetheless, Gen 2’s arms have been redesigned to move more like human arms. 
A humanoid robot may be sufficiently adaptable to take the place of human labor. That being said, this is not feasible shortly.

The Tesla Optimus Gen 2 weighs 10 kg less than its predecessor. Gen 2 outpaces Gen 1 in speed. According to the business, the robot can walk 30% faster. The robot’s feet are designed to resemble human feet. It adheres to the geometry of a human foot.

The Optimus Gen 2 from Tesla offers improved full-body control and balance. The robot’s hands have also grown. Every finger on the robot, according to Tesla, has tactile sense. 

The Optimus Gen 2 robot is shown selecting and placing fragile eggs from the tray into the boiler in the Tesla presentation film. It’s great that Optimus Gen 2 robots can dance as well.


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