Iran Sports Minister Sacks Official After Women Competed Without Hijab


After female athletes participated without donning hijabs, Kioumars Hashemi, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s minister of sports, fired the head of the nation’s deaf sports federation.

Mehran Tishehgaran was fired by Iran’s Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Kioumars Hashemi. In place of Mehran Tishehgaran, he appointed Alireza Khosravi.

According to a report by the semi-official ISNA news agency, Mehran Tishehgaran was fired from his position due to “events that happened in the Asian Deaf Athletics Championships.” The decision was made after pictures of an international athlete competing in Tehran, Iran’s capital, without the required headscarf surfaced.

Iranian media released pictures of a female athlete competing in the Asian Deaf Athletics Championships in Tehran on November 26–27. The athlete was dressed in shorts and a form-fitting tank top.

The athletes’ photos were captured by her crew in Kazakhstan, a nation in Central Asia.

Women wearing tight tank tops and shorts infuriated the authorities. After becoming enraged, Kioumars Hashemi, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Minister of Sports, fired Mehran Tishehgaran.


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