Around 450,000 Afghan Migrants Return To Taliban Rule As Iran Expel Migrants


The Islamic Republic of Iran initiated a crackdown on ejecting illegal migrants, which has resulted in about 450,000 Afghan migrants returning to Taliban authority in Afghanistan.

The National Organization for Migration in Iran’s Javad Khani, who oversees the management of unlawful migrants, has verified that the return of irregular migrants is underway. Additionally, he has underlined that, out of the four million undocumented immigrants in Iran, only one million have obtained identity cards thus far.

Iran reportedly desired to remove undocumented immigrants who had entered the nation illegally. About 450,000 refugees — the majority of them were from Afghanistan — left Iran in the last three months due to a lack of the necessary legal documentation.

This occurs subsequent to Pakistan expelling unauthorized Afghan immigrants from the nation. Angelina Jolie condemned Pakistan for forcibly removing migrants and refugees from Afghanistan. By November 1, “illegal foreigners” were told by Pakistani authorities to return to their countries of origin.


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