Surviving the Odds: Unveiling Togo's Healthcare Crisis

In a nation where life's fragility hangs in the balance, Togo grapples with sobering statistics that shake the very core of its healthcare system. According to UNICEF, the specter of infant mortality looms large, with 43 deaths per 1000 live births, while the neonatal mortality rate stands at 24 deaths per 1000 live births. Additionally, a heart-wrenching figure of 399 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births paints a grim picture of the challenges faced by mothers in this land.

In February and March 2023, courageous news source delegates ventured into the heart of Togo, seeking the truth behind these haunting numbers. What they uncovered was nothing short of an urgent call for change. Venturing into public healthcare facilities in Lomé, the nation's capital, and Aného, a town nestled in southeast Togo, they encountered a stark reality characterized by despair.


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